
Aman Sinha

Ph.D. Student
Université de Lorraine
firstname.lastname (at) univ-lorraine.fr

About Me

I am a final year PhD student at Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, under the supervision of Marianne Clausel, Mathieu Constant and Xavier Coubez. My research involves exploring the structure of data in medical domain to enhance Natural Language Processing based models. Most recently, I’m interested in 1) exploiting temporal characterstics of medical data to create better outcome prediction models, and 2) integrating knowledge graphs to complement medical decision support systems.

Research Interests


Relevant Publications


  1. Under Review
    Timothee Mickus, Aman Sinha and Raúl Vázquez
    Under Review.

  2. 2024

  3. BioNLP 2024
    Aman Sinha, Timothee Mickus, Marianne Clausel, Mathieu Constant, and Xavier Coubez
    In Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, pages 202–211, Bangkok, Thailand. Association for Computational Linguistics. Aug 2024.

  4. KnowledgeLM 2024
    Ioana Buhnila, Aman Sinha, and Mathieu Constant
    In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Towards Knowledgeable Language Models (KnowLLM 2024), pages 189–203, Bangkok, Thailand. Association for Computational Linguistics. Aug 2024.

  5. 2023

  6. ArXiv
    Rohit Agarwal ,Aman Sinha, Dilip Prasad, Marianne Clausel, Alexander Horsh, Mathieu Constant, and Xavier Coubez
    ArXiv 2309.08698. Sept 2023.

  7. ARTS 2023
    Aman Sinha, Sam Bigeard, Marianne Clausel, and Mathieu Constant
    Actes de CORIA-TALN 2023. Actes de l’atelier" Analyse et Recherche de Textes Scientifiques"(ARTS), TALN-CORIA 2023.

  8. 2022

  9. WNLPe-Health 2022
    Aman Sinha, Ayan Vishwakarma, Marianne Clausel, and Mathieu Constant
    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Natural Language Processing: Workshop on Context-aware NLP in eHealth (WNLPe-Health), ICON 2022.

  10. SMM4H 2022
    Aman Sinha, Cristina García Holgado, Marianne Clausel, and Mathieu Constant
    Proceedings of The Seventh Workshop on Social Media Mining for Health Applications, Workshop & Shared Task (SMM4H), COLING 2022.

[Complete list: Google Scholar]